A “Core Outcome Set” is part of the COMET initiative (www.comet-initiative.org). It is an agreed minimum set of outcomes or outcome measures. It is a recommendation of what should be measured and reported in all trials in a specific area. Researchers also need to consider how these outcomes should be measured, and work is ongoing to develop “Core Outcome Measurement Instrument Sets”, which will include details on the instruments or tools to use to measure the outcomes in a Core Outcome Set.
We would like to invite you to help establish what outcomes are most relevant to clinicians and patients with regard to treatment for uncomplicated symptomatic gallstone disease. We are arranging a meeting to decide what are the most important outcomes that should be used in future research. The meeting will be at the University of Aberdeen on Wednesday 24th July for 3 hours starting from 11am. You do not need to do anything in advance of this meeting. We will provide an introduction and explanation of the study, followed by a group discussion and then voting of the possible outcomes.
Travel expenses and lunch will be provided.
We hope that you will contribute to develop the Core outcomes. Please contact Beccy Bruce (cgall@abdn.ac.uk) to book your place at this event. Further information will be provided in advance of the meeting but any questions about the research can be directed to Dr. Katie Gillies (Health Care Assesment Programme Director, MRC Methodology Research Fellow). Email: (k.gillies@abdn.ac.uk).
Your participation in this important piece of work will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
Prof Irfan Ahmed. FCPS, MD, FRCS
Consultant HPB Surgeon – NHS Grampian