First Assistant Robotic Training Course – 4th December 2023
To enquire further, and book, please email The course fee is GBP 125.
ALSGBI @ The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
Next Upcoming Event ⇢ April 04th 2025
UK Robotic HPB Conference, Coventry - 4th & 5th April 2025
To enquire further, and book, please email The course fee is GBP 125.
This course is expected to be very popular. to secure your place please apply as soon as possible For further information, and to book, please email Please submit…
This course is expected to be very popular – to book, please click on one of the images immediately below. There is a 10% discount for ALSGBI members. NOW SOLD…
To book, and find out more, please click on the image below
To register, please click HERE Have you ever wanted to write a paper, but have no idea where to begin? Have you ever considered starting a database, but think it…
Cadaveric dissection is an ideal technique, which offers clinicians the opportunity to practise, refine and develop operative skills necessary for real-world procedures. It allows clinicians to accomplish specific skill acquisition…