6th Portsmouth Colorectal Congress – 15th to 18th June 2022

This in-person event features a large and most distinguished faculty: ONLINE PARTICIPATION & POST EVENT CATCHUP are also available. There is a 10% discount for ALSGBI members - to obtain your discount, please quote your ALSGBI membership number at the time of booking. Please click HERE for the brochure

AfPP Annual Conference – 8th to 11th September 2022

Venue: University of York / Virtual The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP) is the UK’s leading Association for perioperative practitioners. For almost 60 years, we’ve been supporting everyone working in and around the operating department to be the best practitioner they can be. Our Annual Conference is one of the biggest dates in the professional…

Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Europe (AWRE) Online Workshop – 7th to 8th October 2022

This practical course will provide the opportunity to learn the essentials of abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR), including the core principles of abdominal wall closure, hernia repair and plastic surgery techniques. To learn more, and book, please click on the image below. There is a 20% discount for ALSGBI members.....please enter code ALSGBI20 at the checkout.